BIOL 101 Quiz 1

BIOL 101 Quiz 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. The term “teleology” expresses the idea that behind the designs seen in nature there lies a more ultimate
  2. Which of the following structures is potentially the largest and most complex?
  3. Which of the following examples from the living world exhibit well-designed structures supporting well-designed functions?
  4. Which of the following sequences of terms moves neatly and sequentially from less complex to more complex?
  5. Which of the following is not a “Principle of Life” on which this course in BIOL 101 is based?
  6. Any substance found in nature will be either
  7. Biomolecules are composed of
  8. In forming a water molecule, the oxygen atom with six electrons in its outer shell forms ________ ________ bond(s) with hydrogen(s).
  9. Whales communicate over many miles using different frequencies of sound. This statement best described as
  10. The scientific method includes all of the following steps except
  11. A total of 679 leaves fell from trees kept at 10°C, whereas only 83 leaves fell from those kept at 32°C. This is an example of:
  12. __________ cannot be degraded further by ordinary physical or chemical means.
  13. DNA is a molecule found in living things. It is the physical starting point of the principle that
  14. Your mouth, an alpine valley or a swamp are all examples of ecosystems. All ecosystems on the earth taken together are called
  15. The addition of neutrons to an atom affects its _______ but not its _________.
  16. “A mouse runs because natural selection happens to have given it feet.” This statement would be made by
  17. We wish to know if a vaccine against flu virus will be responded to in a patient by the production of antibodies in the bloodstream. Injection of the vaccine is an example of
  18. Which of the following statements represents an interpretation of scientific data?
  19. Scholars face inherent difficulties when they try to scientifically apply revealed truth to the natural world. One reason for this is that
  20. Examples of design in nature lead many to believe there is a purpose lying behind the design. This idea is best captured in the term
  21. The vast diversity of living things, and their structural complexity are two reasons why
  22. In traditional Western culture, one widely accepted source of truth was __________ and another, more derived source of truth is
  23. The molecular structure of oak wood is comparable in complexity to the structure of the Brooklyn Bridge. Your text uses this comparison to argue that
  24. Which of the following is one of our “Principles of life” in this course?
  25. Which of the following is a “Principle of Life” on which this course in BIOL 101 is based?

Set 2

  1. In traditional Western culture, one widely accepted source of truth was __________ and another, more derived source of truth is ___________.
  2. A sleep deprived individual has antibody levels that are exactly 1/3 as high as those of a normal individual. This statement is an example of
  3. Your textbook discussed two separate approaches to truth. They were
  4. Prayer for a cardiac patient will reduce the severity of hospital intervention during the patient’s recovery. This statement
  5. Which of the following questions would be virtually impossible to address using the scientific method?
  6. In living organisms, cells of a similar kind are typically collected together and organized into
  7. “A mouse runs because natural selection happens to have given it feet.” This statement would be made by
  8. Plants and Animals are examples of major groups or organisms within a
  9. Which of the following is a requirement for the growth of a living organism?
  10. We wish to know if a vaccine against flu virus will be responded to in a patient by the production of antibodies in the bloodstream. Injection of the vaccine is an example of
  11. Chromatography is useful for separating ________ out of a(n) __________.
  12. The tiniest, most miniscule bit of a pure elemental substance is
  13. Electrons are arranged within spherical ________ arranged in concentric ________ in the structure of atoms.
  14. Sodium ions are attracted to chloride ions because
  15. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a positively charged
  16. A hypothesis is
  17. Compounds
  18. A condensation reaction joins two organic molecules together creating an H+ ion and an –OH ion. These then
  19. Which of the following structures is potentially the largest and most complex?
  20. What is one limitation scientists face in being sure they possess scientific “truth”?
  21. A sociologist uses the word “community” to refer to a collection of different sorts of people; a biologist uses the same term to refer to a collection of different
  22. Virtually all monomer in cells are built into polymers by removing _________ from one monomer and ____________ from the other monomer, and using these products to form ____________
  23. Although your text presents scientific truth as error-prone, it still asserts that it is a valid source of truth because
  24. Many evolutionists believe that Pakicetus, a terrestrial mammal, is the evolutionary ancestor of modern whales because Pakicetus fossils are found below whale fossils in the geologic column.  This belief is an example of:
  25. A good hypothesis