BIOL 101 Quiz 6

BIOL 101 Quiz 6 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Which of the following describes an example of asexual reproduction found in the Kalanchoe plant?
  2. The quintessential (most basic/ most important) moment of fertilization of the egg by the sperm cell occurs when
  3. Which of the following structures helps the human nervous system to respond to daily alterations in light and darkness?
  4. A reproductive cell must differ from other normal body cells. The reproductive cell must ______________ because it will soon fuse with another reproductive cell to form a new individual.
  5. Order the structures by which a mature sperm cell travels from the epididymis to the female’s reproductive tract.
  6. A mature follicle has formed which of the following structures?
  7. In the human body, melatonin supplementation is thought to help overcome the effects of
  8. Early in your own development, a subset of diploid cells called ____________ began to develop within your pre-ectodermal tissue. These cells will eventually lodge in the gonadal ridge. Still later they will go through meiosis and give rise to primary oocytes or primary spermatocytes.
  9. About the time of ____________, male genetic information from the sperm begins to be translated into protein products. This is used by some to determine when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals.
  10. In the Venus Fly trap, how does the enzyme expansin help to close the trap?
  11. Dilation of the cervix is a chemical procedure that
  12. The human nervous system responds to daily alterations in light and darkness by
  13. Which of the following is a biological approach to determining when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals?
  14. Based on Plato’s analysis, the problem with defining the term “person” arises when you equate personhood with
  15. Once the mature follicle is the correct size, the estrogen level in the bloodstream causes the pituitary gland to suddenly secrete high levels of _________ causing the mature follicle to rupture from the ovary surface.
  16. Which of the following methods by which human conception can be postponed is least invasive of the complexity of human physiology?
  17. In the human life cycle, diploid cells undergo a cell division process called __________. The resulting haploid cells later fuse during ___________ which regenerates diploid cells.
  18. Penetration of the egg’ zona pellucida by the sperm cell is a process driven by
  19. The human nervous system responds to daily alterations in light and darkness by
  20. The phrase, “two homologous sets of genes” means
  21. Which of the following different methods by which human conception can be postponed involves altering the hormonal chemistry of the female partner?
  22. In Iris plants asexual reproduction results from
  23. The reproductive system uses the hormones ________ and (later on) ____________ to “think ahead”. They guide the preparation of the uterus for its role in supporting pregnancy.
  24. One effect of melatonin on the suprachiasmatic nuclei is that it
  25. Which of the following are involved in the control of sperm cell production?

Set 2

  1. Homeostasis can be described as:
  2. If a bog plant designed to catch insects proves unable to do so, the result will be
  3. An optimal site from which the hormone leptin should originate:
  4. About the time of ____________, male genetic information from the sperm begins to be translated into protein products.  This is used by some to determine when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals.
  5. Based on Plato’s analysis, the problem with defining the term “person” arises when you equate personhood with
  6. Which of the following is an example of asexual reproduction in plants?
  7. Dilation of the cervix is a chemical procedure that
  8. Which of the following are involved in the control of sperm cell production?
  9. The human nervous system responds to daily alterations in light and darkness by
  10. In a normal person, the effect of elevated leptin levels in the bloodstream is
  11. When the lactose operon is functioning
  12. Meiosis is a specialized process that
  13. A mature follicle has formed which of the following structures?
  14. A reproductive cell must differ from other normal body cells. The reproductive cell must ______________ because it will soon fuse with another reproductive cell to form a new individual.
  15. In the human body, decreasing melatonin levels
  16. Aristotle, the “Father of Biology”, believed that a human being became a person
  17. In Iris plants asexual reproduction results from
  18. The quintessential (most basic/ most important) moment of fertilization of the egg by the sperm cell occurs when
  19. The phrase, “two homologous sets of genes” means
  20. Preservation of biological information through time is accomplished using
  21. After a fly trips the sensory hair on the modified leaf of a Venus fly trap, what is the very next step in the closing process?
  22. A hormone that controls a person’s appetite might bind to which of the following sites?
  23. The sequence of events in how a Venus fly trap closes is:
  24. Which of the following is a biological approach to determining when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals?
  25. Which of the following methods by which human conception can be postponed is least invasive of the complexity of human physiology?