BIOL 101 Quiz 7

BIOL 101 Quiz 7 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. In the evolutionary model, mutation ______ genes that will develop a better organism while natural selection ______ genes that will develop a better organism.
  2. In the early pages of the Genesis record, the first stage of life history could best be described as
  3. The Design theorist comes to the conclusion that most mutations occurring today are harmful because
  4. Which of the following phrases best evaluates the naturalistic hypothesis for its value in explaining the origins of new structures like the flight feather?
  5. During the formation of a feather which of the following structures appears as a result of early induction events within the dermal layer of the wing surface?
  6. The potential power of directional selection cannot be demonstrated in a real population if
  7. Which of the following is a basic evolutionary advance needed to convert a down-like feather into a primary flight feather.
  8. One popular evolutionary model for the origin of flight in vertebrates is that flight evolved in
  9. Directional selection has been used to
  10. Which stage of life history implied in the early pages of the Genesis record appears least likely to involve any biological change in populations with time?
  11. Which of the following represents an observation Charles Darwin made while reading and voyaging the world?
  12. The third stage of life history implied in the early pages of the Genesis record could best be described as
  13. Both the theist and the naturalist come to the conclusion that most mutations occurring today are harmful because
  14. In physical size, Mycoplasma genitalium is
  15. Charles Darwin’s view of the species was
  16. One advantage associated with viewing RNA as the original site of information storage in the primitive cell is that RNA
  17. Which of the following classes of mutations accumulate silently in the DNA having no obvious effect on one’s ability to reproduce?
  18. Charles Darwin believed that whole new species originated as a result of
  19. One feature of Enlightenment Thinking was the tendency to
  20. Natural selection is limited in its effectiveness in preserving new favorable mutations in an environment that
  21. To a design theorist a beneficial mutation
  22. One major problem with the speculation that the origin of life occurred at geothermal vent is that
  23. Which of the following could be a new mutation needed to generate appropriate structures for flight feathers? a mutation that:
  24. Which of the following organisms were not observed by Charles Darwin while reading and voyaging the world?
  25. The term _________ represents a predictive theory of how a species might change with time, whereas the term ________ assumes that nature can create whole new structures and organisms.

Set 2

  1. To a Darwinist, a beneficial mutation
  2. The sentence, “O you, who look on this our machine, do not be sad that with others you are fated to die, but rejoice that our Creator has endowed us with such an excellent instrument as the intellect” was first spoken by
  3. The genome of Mycoplasma genitalium is about _______ genes in size.
  4. Sometimes a force within the environment reduces the reproductive ability of one variety of individual in a species compared to that of another variety. This force is termed
  5. Charles Darwin’s view of the species was
  6. One problem associated with evolving a system in which RNA bases code for amino acids is that
  7. Charles Darwin believed that whole new species originated as a result of
  8. Which of the following is a component structure of a primary flight feather?
  9. During the formation of a feather which of the following structures appears as a result of early induction events within the dermal layer of the wing surface?
  10. One advantage associated with viewing RNA as the original site of information storage in the primitive cell is that RNA
  11. Which of the following phrases best evaluates the naturalistic hypothesis for its value in explaining the origins of new structures like the flight feather?
  12. The potential power of directional selection cannot be demonstrated in a real population if
  13. One popular evolutionary model for the origin of flight in vertebrates is that flight evolved in
  14. The role of the barbule in the primary flight feather is to
  15. Directional selection
  16. Natural selection is an “expensive” process. This is true because
  17. Francis Crick’s theory of directed panspermia states that
  18. One feature of Enlightenment Thinking was the tendency to
  19. Which of the following classes of mutations accumulate silently in the DNA having no obvious effect on one’s ability to reproduce?
  20. Directional selection has been used to
  21. In the evolutionary model, mutation ______ genes that will develop a better organism while natural selection ______ genes that will develop a better organism.
  22. The third stage of life history implied in the early pages of the Genesis record could best be described as
  23. Which of the following is a basic evolutionary advance needed to convert a down-like feather into a primary flight feather.
  24. Which of the following represents an observation Charles Darwin made while reading and voyaging the world?
  25. Darwin interpreted his observations of nature to mean that