CSTU 101 Quiz 6

CSTU 101 Quiz 6 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. What century was the Washington National Cathedral built in?
  2. During the 1200’s Popes would employ a military force to combat heresy and use this judicial process to eradicate heresy within the Western culture.
  3. Humanists believed in the and dignity of the individual.
  4. Who was not a Renaissance Author?
  5. Who initiated the Crusades?
  6. What were two classical values that inspired the Renaissance humanists?
  7. Consisted a hero of the Renaissance, who wrote Utopia. Lived from 1478-1535.
  8. Who was the famous practitioner in the medieval time period who challenged Aristotelianism by starting with the position that God is the source of truth and that the world is created by God? He merged Christian and Aristotelian thought.
  9. By establishing order and stability in his lands, Charlemagne prepared the basis for a ninth-century flowering of cultural activity often termed the .
  10. His Oration on the Dignity of Man has been called “The Manifesto of Humanism”.
  11. This poem is about a warrior from southern Sweden who sails to his uncle’s court in Denmark where he slays the monster, Grendel.
  12. The term “pointed arches” best describes which style?
  13. During this time period there was literature for town dwellers as well as country folks. This type of literature was satirical poems depicting ordinary people in events of everyday life with vigorous and coarse humor while ridiculing conventional morality.
  14. According to the chart in your Textbook. What are the years of the Renaissance?
  15. One important feature of medieval intellectual life was expanding interest in education, which culminated in a distinctive new institution the
  16. Washington National Cathedral is an example of what kind of architecture?
  17. Who wrote Don Quizote?
  18. A period of Cultural Rebirth in Europe.
  19. Coexisting with feudalism on the lowest level of land division was the
  20. Who halted the Islamic expansion into France and Europe?
  21. During the period of 750–1000, Carolingian rulers dominated European life.
  22. The Black Death arrived on the docks from London and spread to Europe.
  23. Romanesque Architecture developed from the Gothic Architecture.
  24. The history of the Crusades illustrates the principle known as the “law of unintended consequences.”
  25. During the period between 1000–1350, the economy of Europe did not develop much because of little technology being developed.
  26. The Arabic Muslims had destroyed all of the Greek writings of antiquity making it difficult for the Crusaders to find.
  27. Science was not very prominent in the medieval intellectual activity.
  28. The shift from the medieval to the modern world can be described simply as the shift from a vertical to a horizontal model of reality.
  29. Charlemagne’s brutal reign destroyed much learning and education in Europe.
  30. Religious architecture was the primary European artistic activity.

Set 2

  1. Consisted a hero of the Renaissance, who wrote Utopia. Lived from 1478-1535.
  2. During this time period there was literature for town dwellers as well as country folks. This type of literature was satirical poems depicting ordinary people in events of everyday life with vigorous and coarse humor while ridiculing conventional morality.
  3. Who wrote the Divine Comedy, which delineated the options available to mankind?
  4. His Oration on the Dignity of Man  has been called “The Manifesto of Humanism”.
  5. This poem is about a warrior from southern Sweden who sails to his uncle’s court in Denmark where he slays the monster, Grendel.
  6. Who wrote Don Quizote?
  7. Which word best describes the culture that gave rise to Romanesque architecture?
  8. Who was the famous practitioner in the medieval time period who challenged Aristotelianism by starting with the position that God is the source of truth and that the world is created by God? He merged Christian and Aristotelian thought.
  9. Which of these did not contribute to the successes Pepin and Charlemagne?
  10. Who wrote the Canterbury Tales in the 14thcentury?
  11. Which of the following was not an outgrowth of the Crusades?
  12. According to the chart in your textbook, which of these types of literature occurs last?
  13. Michelangelo’s  statue standing as a representation of Humanism as it’s proud self.
  14. In philosophy, the synthesis of the High Ages was made by_________ in the 13thcentury, who merged Christian and Aristotelian thought.
  15. What did medieval pilgrims travel to a cathedral to see?
  16. Washington National Cathedral is an example of what kind of architecture?
  17. According to the chart in your Textbook. What are the years of the Renaissance?
  18. What century was the Washington National Cathedral built in?
  19. A period of Cultural Rebirth in Europe.
  20. Who initiated the Crusades?
  21. During the period of 750–1000, Carolingian rulers dominated European life.
  22. The Renaissance could also be known as the age of exploration.
  23. The Black Death that struck Europe killed over 90 % of the population.
  24. Despite the authority of the medieval Catholic church, there was a tremendous amount of diversity within medieval literature.
  25. Science was not very prominent in the medieval intellectual activity.
  26. The shift from the medieval to the modern world can be described simply as the shift from a vertical to a horizontal model of reality.
  27. The so-called Children’s Crusade was the only crusade that was “successful” in any meaningful sense.
  28. Religious architecture was the primary European artistic activity.
  29. Romanesque Architecture developed from the Gothic Architecture.
  30. The pope’s actions on Christmas Day 800 made Charles the Great, or Charlemagne (768–814), king of the Franks and emperor of the Carolingian Empire (from Charles’s Latin name, Carolus)