ENGL 201 Pre Test 1

Set 1

  1. John Winthrop authored Meditation 38
  2. This author alludes to “many hundreds” of variable travel “relations.”
  3. Authored “The Flesh and the Spirit”
  4. Is a pastoralist, or his writing may be described as idyllic or
  5. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” uses the Ministerial Three
  6. His sermon on the Arbella was delivered in
  7. Chesapeake Bay was the first permanent settlement in colonial New
  8. Cotton Mather called this author the “American ”
  9. “The Day of Doom” was authored by Michael
  10. Captain John Smith is one of the writers whose report of exploration is described as one of the first distinctly American writing in
  11. 1775 was the year the permanent settlement in New England was established
  12. The following is not a genre of American literature of the colonial period: exploration literature
  13. English colonization did not really take hold until early 1850
  14. Examples of writers of the colonial period of American literature include the following: Michael Wigglesworth and Phillis Wheatley
  15. The following are genres of American literature of the colonial period: travel and exploration records
  16. Edward Taylor authored “The Day of Doom”
  17. Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” showcases the origins, wanderings, and struggles of the
  18. Anne Bradstreet’s poetry was considered as “grateful entertainments unto the ingenious” by
  19. Examples of writers of the colonial period of American literature include the following: John Winthrop and William Cullen Bryant
  20. John Winthrop established the Indian Captivity Narrative

Set 2

  1. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” uses the Ministerial Three Method.
  2. Cotton Mather called this author the “American Nehemiah.”
  3. John Winthrop established the Indian Captivity Narrative
  4. 1775 was the year the permanent settlement in New England was established
  5. Examples of writers of the colonial period of American literature include the following: William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, and Herman Melville.
  6. Captain John Smith is one of the writers whose report of exploration is described as one of the first distinctly American writing in English.
  7. Collection of poetry published in 1650, and then revised and republished in 1678.
  8. 1850 was the year the first English settlement was established
  9. Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” showcases the origins, wanderings, and struggles of the Puritans.
  10. Examples of writers of the colonial period of American literature include the following: Anne Bradstreet
  11. The following is not a genre of American literature of the colonial period: exploration literature
  12. In his writings, Captain John Smith portrayed English North America as a desert.
  13. Literature of the Colonial Period may be defined as a literary record of the period called the Age of Reason or Revolution.
  14. Authored “The Flesh and the Spirit”
  15. Edward Taylor authored “The Day of Doom”
  16. The New Englanders was the name of the group that established the first permanent settlement in New England
  17. The following are genres of American literature of the colonial period: travel and exploration records
  18. His sermon on the Arbella was delivered in 1630.
  19. Christopher Columbus was the leader of the first English settlers called the Pilgrims.
  20. Author of meditative poem titled “Contemplations.”