GLST 200 Quiz 4

Set 1

  1. Indian missionaries are strictly focused on reaching remote areas, the poor, and the foreigners within India’s own borders.
  2. A burden for missions in countries such as Brazil, China, Korea, and the Philippines has grown considerably over the past last few decades. The Church in these countries is employing what strategies for missions?
  3. According to McGavran, the process in which peoples become Christian as a wave of decision for Christ sweeps through a group is called a …
  4. In America, missions and “manifest destiny” were closely tied together.
  5. The Great Awakening had virtually NO impact on protestant missions efforts.
  6. What best describes J. Hudson Taylor’s “faith principle”?
  7. One feature of the Moravian Brethren missionary efforts is that they faced difficulties and dangers with remarkable courage.
  8. The __________________ __________________ Movement was started by Donald McGavran to help the church focus on developing reproducing communities of believers and to help understand how people tend to come to Christ.
  9. ____________ was a key figure in the first era of Protestant missions (1800-1910).
  10. What best describes the purpose of Wycliffe Translators?
  11. Who is called the “Father of Protestant Missions?”
  12. Brazilian Evangelical missionaries have grown from 592 in the 1970’s to 2,040 in the year 2000.
  13. Who famously said “expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”?
  14. Who was the author of “An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use means for the Conversion of the Heathen?”
  15. A coalition of 11 campus ministries and 24 overseas mission agencies working together to mobilize students in Korea, has been an important contributing factor to the rapid growth of cross-cultural Korean missionaries.
  16. The original purpose of many elite women’s colleges was for the purpose of training women as foreign missionaries.
  17. The first era of Protestant missions (1800-1910) primarily operated in …
  18. According to McGarvan, the “mission station” approach is the best way to reach peoples for Christ.
  19. The second era of Protestant missions (1865-1980) primarily operated …
  20. The Western church should be challenged by the commitment of the Church in the “Majority World” to finish the task of world evangelization.
  21. While they were obedient to go, the Moravian Brethren were marked by a begrudging reluctance to take the gospel to unreached peoples.
  22. According to Colin Grant, which of the following explains the Moravian Brethren’s commitment to missions?
  23. African missionaries can be found as far as:
  24. William Carey, missionary to India, was concerned only with evangelism and not socio-cultural transformation.
  25. The Ibero-American mission movement consists of:

Set 2

  1. Who founded the Summer Institute of Linguistics?
  2. What best describes J. Hudson Taylor’s “faith principle”?
  3. Who was the author of “An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use means for the Conversion of the Heathen?”
  4. A coalition of 11 campus ministries and 24 overseas mission agencies working together to mobilize students in Korea, has been an important contributing factor to the rapid growth of cross-cultural Korean missionaries.
  5. The Western church should be challenged by the commitment of the Church in the “Majority World” to finish the task of world evangelization.
  6. William Carey, missionary to India, was concerned only with evangelism and not socio-cultural transformation.
  7. “In “The Glory of the Impossible,” Samuel Zwemer argues that good stewardship requires that we not invest  missions resources in pioneer areas, but invest instead in ripe fields.
  8. African missionaries can be found as far as:
  9. The first era of Protestant missions (1800-1910) primarily operated in …
  10. ____________ was a key figure in the first era of Protestant missions (1800-1910).
  11. Who is called the “Father of Protestant Missions?”
  12. According to McGavran, the process in which peoples become Christian as a wave of decision for Christ sweeps through a group is called a …
  13. Indian missionaries are strictly focused on reaching remote areas, the poor, and the foreigners within India’s own borders.
  14. Samuel Zwemer had a passion for reaching what people group?
  15. In America, missions and “manifest destiny” were closely tied together.
  16. The protestant movement was distinctly missionary from its beginning.
  17. According to McGarvan, the “mission station” approach is the best way to reach peoples for Christ.
  18. In his “Enquiry…”, what did William Carey consider a VALID reason NOT to take the gospel to the heathens?
  19. One feature of the Moravian Brethren missionary efforts is that they faced difficulties and dangers with remarkable courage.
  20. Brazilian Evangelical missionaries have grown from 592 in the 1970’s to 2,040 in the year 2000.
  21. According to Colin Grant, which of the following explains the Moravian Brethren’s commitment to missions?
  22. The original purpose of many elite women’s colleges was for the purpose of training women as foreign missionaries.
  23. While they were obedient to go, the Moravian Brethren were marked by a begrudging reluctance to take the gospel to unreached peoples.
  24. A burden for missions in countries such as Brazil, China, Korea, and the Philippines has grown considerably over the past last few decades. The Church in these countries is employing what strategies for missions?
  25. Who famously said “expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”?

Set 3

  1. The second era of Protestant missions (1865­1980) primarily operated …
  2. The protestant movement was distinctly missionary from its beginning.
  3. In his “Enquiry…”, what did William Carey consider a VALID reason NOT to take the gospel to the heathens?
  4. The original purpose of many elite women’s colleges was for the purpose of training women as foreign missionaries.
  5. What best descibes the partner stage of missions development?
  6. William Carey, missionary to India, was concerned only with evangelism and not socio­ cultural transformation.
  7. As identified in the reading, we are currently in the _________ era of protestant missions.
  8. What best descibes the paternal/parent stage of missions development?
  9. What best describes J. Hudson Taylor’s “faith principle”?
  10. While they were obedient to go, the Moravian Brethren were marked by a begrudging reluctance to take the gospel to unreached peoples.
  11. One feature of the Moravian Brethren missionary efforts is that they faced difficulties and dangers with remarkable courage.
  12. What student was responsible for the “Haystack Prayer Meeting”?
  13. What best describes the pioneer stage of missions development?
  14. Who famously said “expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”?
  15. Who founded the Summer Institute of Linguistics?
  16. Who was the author of “An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use means for the Conversion of the Heathen?”
  17. According to McGavran, the process in which peoples become Christian as a wave of decision for Christ sweeps through a group is called a …
  18. According to Colin Grant, which of the following explains the Moravian Brethren’s commitment to missions?
  19. According to McGarvan, the “mission station” approach is the best way to reach peoples for Christ.
  20. “In “The Glory of the Impossible,” Samuel Zwimmer argues that good stewardship requires that we not invest missions resources in pioneer areas, but invest instead in ripe fields.
  21. ____________ was a key figure in the first era of Protestant missions (1800­1910).
  22. In “The Bridges of God,” Donald McGavran argues that peoples are best won to Christ by evangelizing individuals.
  23. The Great Awakening had virtually NO impact on protestant missions efforts.
  24. In America, missions and “manifest destiny” were closely tied together.
  25. The __________________ __________________ Movement was started by Donald McGavran to help the church focus on developing reproducing communities of believers and to help understand how people tend to come to Christ.

Set 4

  1. According to Colin Grant, which of the following explains the Moravian Brethren’s commitment to missions?
  2. In “The Bridges of God,” Donald McGavran argues that peoples are best won to Christ by evangelizing individuals.
  3. Samuel Zwimmer had a passion for reaching what people group?
  4. As identified in the reading, we are currently in the _________ era of protestant missions.
  5. In America, missions and “manifest destiny” were closely tied together.
  6. The Great Awakening had virtually NO impact on protestant missions efforts.
  7. Who does Yvonne Wood Huneycutt identify as the “fifth man” who pioneered modern missions?
  8. While they were obedient to go, the Moravian Brethren were marked by a begrudging reluctance to take the gospel to unreached peoples.
  9. What best describes J. Hudson Taylor’s “faith principle”?
  10. In his “Enquiry…”, what did William Carey consider a VALID reason NOT to take the gospel to the heathens?
  11. Who is called the “Father of Protestant Missions?”
  12. According to McGarvan, the “mission station” approach is the best way to reach peoples for Christ.
  13. What best descibes the participant stage of missions development?
  14. According to Ralph Winter, the gospel flows naturally from one culture or caste to another as long as they speak the same language.
  15. What student was responsible for the “Haystack Prayer Meeting”?
  16. The first era of Protestant missions (1800­1910) primarily operated in …
  17. Who famously said “expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”?
  18. Who was the author of “An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use means for the Conversion of the Heathen?”
  19. was a key figure in the first era of Protestant missions (1800­1910).
  20. The protestant movement was distinctly missionary from its beginning.
  21. The Movement was started by Donald McGavran to help the church focus on developing reproducing communities of believers and to help understand how people tend to come to Christ.
  22. According to McGavran, the process in which peoples become Christian as a wave of decision for Christ sweeps through a group is called a …
  23. One feature of the Moravian Brethren missionary efforts is that they faced difficulties and dangers with remarkable courage.
  24. The second era of Protestant missions (1865­1980) primarily operated …
  25. Who founded the Summer Institute of Linguistics?