GLST 200 Quiz 7

Set 1

  1. The term “rice Christian” refers to someone who becomes a Christian to assure himself and/or his family of getting daily food.
  2. In disastrous circumstances like war and poverty, relief carried out unconditionally by Christians can be a powerful gospel witness.
  3. According to Jonathan Bonk, what should a missionary do when they discover their their way of life and entitlements make them rich by the standards of those around them?
  4. When addressing poverty, we should always segregate its physical, material and spiritual dimensions.
  5. In the Willowbank report, which of the following is NOT listed as an aspect of missionary humility?
  6. One strategy for alleviating poverty is relief. On what do relief efforts focus?
  7. Bryant Myers lists four ways to understand poverty. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  8. One way to avoid dependency in missions is to . . .
  9. The “Willowbank Report” is the product of what evangelical entity?
  10. In the process of Bible translation, which term describes a “changing the form in order to preserve the meaning”?
  11. The Latin phrase missio Dei means “God’s mission” or “mission of God.”
  12. One strategy for alleviating poverty is political advocacy. On what do political advocacy efforts focus?
  13. Poverty is essentially a spiritual issue.
  14. In the interconnectedness of our global world, Rick Love notes three things we must do simultaenously. What are they?
  15. Because of their passion for the gospel, most missionaries in poor contexts find it easy to downgrade their standard of living to that of their target audience.
  16. According to Rick Warren, churches must focus on growing large so that they can participate in efforts to tackle the world’s problems.
  17. Which of the following is TRUE concerning missions and money?
  18. Rick Love identifies three massive global trends that have profoundly changed our world. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  19. One strategy for alleviating poverty is economic growth. On what do ecomonic growth efforts focus?
  20. The Willowbank Report affirms that conversion is always sudden and happens in an instant.
  21. In the process of Bible translation, which term describes a “literal translation of the form”?
  22. The Willowbank Report affirms that true conversion should be conceived invariably and only as an individual experience.
  23. Relief assistance should never be conditioned on one’s beliefs or on having to hear the gospel message.
  24. Relief efforts, if prolonged, can be detrimental because they take away incentive for local production and development.
  25. Unlike other aspects of culture, views about money are usually the same across cultures.

Set 2

  1. According to Tim Keller, why is it that major cities are not being reached by the church on any kind of scale?
  2. Teaching someone to obey all that Christ commanded and to surrender all aspects of one’s life to Christ is the essence of:
  3. According to Neil Cole, the church is primarily an organization having an institutional shape.
  4. Church Planting Movements are wholly a work of God and Christians do little or nothing to stop or start the movements.
  5. New Testament commands carry equal authority with the Apostolic practices recorded in the Bible. Both should be enforced as laws for the church.
  6. According to George Patterson, in order to best multiply disciples, it is best to expand your area of responsibility to multiple peoples or communities.
  7. Donald McGavran is most closely identified with which type of Christward movement?
  8. Which of the following does Tim Keller list as reasons for planting new churches?
  9. Generous outside funding of national churches often hurts more than it helps.
  10. Interdependence within the body of Christ is the basis for interdependency in missions.
  11. In a church planting movement, who is responsible for planting churches.
  12. Studies show that the average new church will bring new people into the life of the Body of Christ at a GREATER rate than that of an older congregation of the same size.
  13. Insider movements can be considered to be “implanted” when the gospel takes root WITHIN a pre-existing community.
  14. Which of the following is a characteristic of church planting movements?
  15. Which of the following principles is part of the People Movement Approach?
  16. David Garrison is most closely identified with which type of Christward movement?
  17. In many countries, changing one’s identity from “Muslim” or “Hindu” to “Christian” is usually seen as a great betrayal of one’s family and friends.
  18. When seeking to multiply churches, the “hub” strategy is a good strategy because it recognizes that the mother church has reproductive power and can reproduce multiple daughter churches.
  19. Tim Keller lists several ways that faith informs our work. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  20. According to George Patterson, to start a church that will multiply, which of the following steps are a normal part of planting a church in a pioneer field?
  21. The view of the church as “a servant to all” is derived from the understanding in John 20:21 that Christ is our model for mission.
  22. How ought we approach giving when it comes to poor congregations? \
  23. According to Jones, the following practice(s) has(have) proven to be fruitful in ministry:
  24. As churches multiply in a pioneer area, it is vitally important for Western missionaries to retain control of the national churches.
  25. In Phil Parshall’s critique of the C-spectrum strategies, at which level does Parshall believe that contextualization “goes too far”?

Set 3

  1. Insider movements can be considered to be “implanted” when the gospel takes root WITHIN a pre­existing community.
  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of church planting movements?
  3. The term ______________ refers to the capability of living things to survive and reproduce.
  4. According to Tim Keller, why is it that major cities are not being reached by the church on any kind of scale?
  5. Studies show that the average new church will bring new people into the life of the Body of Christ at a GREATER rate than that of an older congregation of the same size.
  6. Donald McGavran is most closely identifies with which type of Christward movement?
  7. The term ________________ describes living things that are native to or have originated from a particular environment.
  8. The blending of Christian faith and non­Christian beliefs and practices is called…
  9. Church Planting Movements are wholly a work of God and Christians do little or nothing to stop or start the movements.
  10. Which of the following does Tim Keller list as reasons for planting new churches?
  11. In Phil Parshall’s critique of the C­spectrum strategies, at which level does Parshall believe that contextualization “goes too far”?
  12. Most great indigenous works were founded by a foreign agency or missionary.
  13. The more a church planting movement grows, the less dominant outsiders should become and the more the new believers become the primary leaders of the movement.
  14. Tim Keller lists several ways that faith informs our work. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  15. Generous outside funding of national churches often hurts more than it helps.
  16. Which of the following BEST describes the C­1 to C­6 spectrum?
  17. In a church planting movement, who is responsible for planting churches.
  18. New Testament commands carry equal authority with the Apostolic practices recorded in the Bible. Both should be enforced as laws for the church.
  19. How ought we approach giving when it comes to poor congregations?
  20. In order to ensure true conversion, we should discourage group decisions for Christ.
  21. According to George Patterson, in order to best multiply disciples, it is best to expand your area of responsibility to multiple peoples or communities.
  22. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of Christward movements?
  23. As churches multiply in a pioneer area, it is vitally important for Western missionaries to retain control of the national churches.
  24. Just because a church is self­governing, does not necesarilly mean that church is indigenous.
  25. A ____________________ is “A rapid multiplication of indigenous churches planting churches that sweeps through a people group or population segment.”

Set 4

  1. Which of the following principles is part of the People Movement Approach?
  2. Studies show that the average new church will bring new people into the life of the Body of Christ at a GREATER rate than that of an older congregation of the same size.
  3. How ought we approach giving when it comes to poor congregations?
  4. Insider movements can be considered to be “implanted” when the gospel takes root WITHIN a pre­existing community.
  5. According to George Patterson, in order to best multiply disciples, it is best to expand your area of responsibility to multiple peoples or communities.
  6. When seeking to multiply churches, the “hub” strategy is a good strategy because it recognizes that the mother church has reproductive power and can reproduce multiple daughter churches.
  7. Which of the following does Tim Keller list as reasons for planting new churches?
  8. Donald McGavran is most closely identifies with which type of Christward movement?
  9. The more a church planting movement grows, the less dominant outsiders should become and the more the new believers become the primary leaders of the movement.
  10. According to George Patterson, to start a church that will multiply, which of the following steps are a normal part of planting a church in a pioneer field?
  11. Which of the following BEST describes the C­1 to C­6 spectrum?
  12. In Phil Parshall’s critique of the C­spectrum strategies, at which level does Parshall believe that contextualization “goes too far”?
  13. The blending of Christian faith and non­Christian beliefs and practices is called…
  14. In order to ensure true conversion, we should discourage group decisions for Christ.
  15. David Garrison is most closely identified with which type of Christward movement?
  16. In many countries, changing one’s identity from “Muslim” or “Hindu” to “Christian” is usually seen as a great betrayal of one’s family and friends.
  17. What is meant by Winter’s description of “hidden frontiers?”
  18. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of Christward movements?
  19. According to Tim Keller, why is it that major cities are not being reached by the church on any kind of scale?
  20. Just because a church is self­governing, does not necesarilly mean that church is indigenous.
  21. The term ______________ refers to the capability of living things to survive and reproduce.
  22. The term ________________ describes living things that are native to or have originated from a particular environment.
  23. As churches multiply in a pioneer area, it is vitally important for Western missionaries to retain control of the national churches.
  24. According to Neil Cole, the church is primarily an organization having an institutional shape.
  25. In a church planting movement, who is responsible for planting churches.