JURI 620 Quiz 2

  1. Should the gains to a criminal from committing a crime be counted as social gains? Explain your answer and give at least 1 example to support your answer.
  2. Suppose there is a class of automobile accidents in which the injurers are all very wealthy men. The opportunity costs of their time are so great that the expected accident costs are lower than the costs to them of preventing the accidents by driving more slowly, slower driving being the only method by which the accidents could be prevented. In these circumstances, which rule of liability would be more efficient: strict liability, with no defense of contributory negligence, or no liability at all? Explain your answer.
  3. 5 out of 10 points Is hate crime legislation economically justified? Is it justified from a Christian worldview? Explain your answer.
  4. Is there an economic justification for the concept of limited liability? If so, should it be limited, and if so, to what extent, by a piercing-the-corporate-veil-type doctrine? Explain your answer.
  5. The Price-Anderson Act, 142 U.S.C. §2210, in effect places a limitation (of several hundred million dollars) on the tort liability of any manufacturer or owner of a nuclear reactor for the consequences of a reactor accident. What is the economic rationale of this limitation? Can this limitation be supported from a Christian worldview?
  6. Should a debtor and its creditors be permitted to agree at the time of extending credit that the debtor shall not be subject to the Bankruptcy Code? Explain your answer from both a law and economics perspective and a Christian worldview perspective.
  7. Assume there is a first and a second mortgage on a piece of property. If the mortgagor defaults, who, from the standpoint of economic efficiency, should have the right to foreclose—the first or the second mortgagee? Explain your answer.
  8. mountaineer is stranded on a mountain top, society will devote enormous resources to saving their lives—resources seemingly disproportionate to society’s expenditures on preventing people from endangering themselves. Explain this seeming paradox from both a law and economics perspective and a Christian worldview perspective.
  9. The airplane was manufactured by B from various components, including the instrument supplied by A, and is operated by C, an airline. What economic difference does it make, if any, whether A is liable for the damages resulting from the crash, or B, or C?
  10. Is there a Christian worldview justification for the concept of limited liability? If so, should it be limited, and if so, to what extent, by a piercing-the-corporate-veil- typedoctrine? Explain your answer.