PHIL 201 Quiz 5

Set 1

  1. Which theory of perception endorses the claim that when we perceive an object we are directly aware of a mind-independent object?
  2. Which of the following sub-disciplines of philosophy studies the nature and structure of reality?
  3. As a Christian, it doesn’t matter what one thinks about the nature of reality.
  4. One worry associated with Christian versions of idealism is that it is panentheistic.
  5. Which feature of our mental life seems to be at odds with materialism?
  6. Which of the following are versions of monism:
  7. According to Alvin Plantinga, evolution ensures that we can trust our cognitive faculties to produce true beliefs.
  8. (T/F) Acccording to the fictionalists about abstract objects, “2+2=4” is meaningful, but not literally true.
  9. Which of the following are versions of dualism:
  10. According to the doctrine of divine middle knowledge:
  11. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism is true, determinism is false, and there is genuine freedom?
  12. According to physical determinism, the future is fixed
  13. A compatibilist who thinks AP (alternative possibilities) is true can offer the following conditional analysis:
  14. According to logical determinism,
  15. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism and determinism are true, and denies the reality of genuine freedom?
  16. Agent causation in a plausible “extra factor” added to the account of libertarian freedom in order to make sense of how actions can be free and non-arbitrary.
  17. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism is true, is unsure whether determinism is true or false, yet either way, denies the reality of genuine freedom?
  18. John Locke adopted the view of persons known as “psychological continuity” which is the view that:
  19. Identity theory makes which claim about persons/minds/bodies?
  20. Functionalism defines minds as those entities capable of:
  21. Referencing the discussion on Aristotelian substance from chapter 4, the authors not that all of the above are true of substances EXCEPT:
  22. Substance dualism has been widely held throughout most of philosophical history. (144)
  23. Constitutionalism says that souls constitute persons.
  24. Plato and Descartes are two famous defendants of what view in the philosophy of mind?
  25. Which is NOT listed as a strength of the substance dualist view, according to the authors?

Set 2

  1. Which of the following is not true of materialism:
  2. One worry associated with Christian versions of idealism is that it is panentheistic.
  3. Which theory of perception endorses the claim that when we perceive an object we are directly aware of a mind-independent object?
  4. Which of the following are versions of monism:
  5. Science necessarily entails the truth of materialism.
  6. It is impossible to be a Christian and believe in Idealism.
  7. Which of the following sub-disciplines of philosophy studies the nature and structure of reality?
  8. As a Christian, it doesn’t matter what one thinks about the nature of reality.
  9. Which feature of our mental life seems to be at odds with materialism?
  10. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism is true, determinism is false, and there is genuine freedom?
  11. Two plausible conditions for genuine freedom are:
  12. The compatibilist about freedom thinks that:
  13. If compatibilism is true, the condition UR (ultimate responsibility) must be denied.
  14. According to the doctrine of divine middle knowledge:
  15. The soft determinist thinks there is freedom yet we are determined.
  16. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism and determinism are true, and denies the reality of genuine freedom?
  17. The Molinist endorses all but which one of the following claims?
  18. John Locke adopted the view of persons known as “psychological continuity” which is the view that:
  19. Substance dualism has been widely held throughout most of philosophical history. (144)
  20. Which is NOT listed as a strength of the substance dualist view, according to the authors?
  21. Hylomorphism is sometimes regarded as a version of dualism and sometimes regarded as a version of materialism.
  22. Functionalism defines minds as those entities capable of:
  23. Nancy Murphy, one of the leading contemporary proponents of non-reductive physicalism, notes that her and other NRPs deny the existence of non-material entities, but do not deny the existence of:
  24. Which view is non-committal about the ‘number of substances’ question?
  25. Identity theory makes which claim about persons/minds/bodies?

Set 3

  1. It is impossible to be a Christian and believe in Idealism.
  2. Which of the following sub-disciplines of philosophy studies the nature and structure of reality?
  3. According to Alvin Plantinga, evolution ensures that we can trust our cognitive faculties to produce true beliefs.
  4. Which feature of our mental life seems to be at odds with materialism?
  5. Science necessarily entails the truth of materialism.
  6. (T/F) Acccording to the fictionalists about abstract objects, “2+2=4” is meaningful, but not literally true.
  7. According to Platonism, in the sentence “Socrates is wise” the phrase “is wise” refer to:
  8. One worry associated with Christian versions of idealism is that it is panentheistic.
  9. The Indispensibility Argument is an argument in favor of which of the following views?
  10. According to logical determinism,
  11. If God exists and is the first cause of the physical universe, then agent causation is one of the most basic facts about reality.
  12. Which of the following is not a necessary condition for libertarian freedom, as discussed in the chapter?
  13. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism is true, is unsure whether determinism is true or false, yet either way, denies the reality of genuine freedom?
  14. According to physical determinism, the future is fixed
  15. Frankfurt-style counter-examples, if true, show that:
  16. Which of the following views thinks incompatibilism and determinism are true, and denies the reality of genuine freedom?
  17. The Molinist endorses all but which one of the following claims?
  18. Hylomorphism is sometimes regarded as a version of dualism and sometimes regarded as a version of materialism.
  19. Which of the following has historically been the most difficult problem for substance dualism?
  20. Functionalism defines minds as those entities capable of:
  21. John Locke adopted the view of persons known as “psychological continuity” which is the view that:
  22. If minds are only “entities that facilitate rational processes and process intelligent functions” then computers could be considered minds.
  23. Substance dualism has been widely held throughout most of philosophical history. (144)
  24. This view suggests that the best way to handle mental properties and mental states is simply to deny them altogether.
  25. According to L. R. Baker, what are the two distinct qualities of humans which nonperson animals do not possess?