PSYC 255 Quiz 1

PSYC 255 Quiz 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Pseudoscience gathers information from which of the means listed below?
  2. Which of the following ways can be used to remain up-to-date on developments in the field of psychology?
  3. Which of the following statements is true regarding the nature of journals in the field of psychology?
  4. Belief in which of the following statements is an example of using intuition in everyday life?
  5. It is a commonly held belief that among college students that those individuals who are single engage in more sexual activity than those individuals who are married.  Despite research indicating the contrary, students continue to believe in this belief.  The persistence to maintain this belief is known as __________.
  6. Which of the following statements about pseudoscience is true?
  7. __________ is the appearance of expertise in a field of study.
  8. Which of the following is a national organization for psychologists?
  9. __________ is understanding through the use of common sense based on observation.
  10. __________ is a system of challenges by which scientific claims can be verified.
  11. Abstracts begin on page number _____.
  12. When writing the discussion, you are encouraged to use _____ tense.
  13. Which of the following topics should be included in the discussion?
  14. Which of the following statements correctly describes how the results section is formatted?
  15. Which of the following statements accurately describes author notes?
  16. Writing within the field of psychology follows a standard form so that all authors __________.
  17. Which of the statements below correctly describes how to format the method section?
  18. Which of the following statements accurately describes abstracts?
  19. Which of the following statements about how to indicate numbers is correct?
  20. Writing within the field of psychology follows a standard form developed by the __________.
  21. __________ is a statement about the relationship between variables.
  22. When you ask yourself the question, “Why is this happening” you are conducting research for which goal of psychology?
  23. The first step in the scientific method is known as __________.
  24. A __________ is an overarching principle that explains separate research findings in an area.
  25. When you ask yourself the question, “Where will this behavior or event be exhibited” you are conducting research for which goal of psychology?
  26. The definition of a hypothesis as an educated guess is ___________.
  27. Which of the following is an underlying goal for all research?
  28. Chapter 3 begins with an Are You Equipped? exercise describing research in which a movie theater owner flashed “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coca-Cola” at an exposure rate of 1/3,000 per second on the screen during the presentation of a movie.  This study sparked interest in which topic area in psychology?
  29. The last goal of psychological research can be categorized as __________ research.
  30. __________ occurs when a research experiment or study is reproduced using the exact same methodology and procedure.

Set 2

  1. __________ is the appearance of expertise in a field of study.
  2. Which of the following is not a general guideline or recommendation for interpreting research presented in the media?
  3. Which of the following statements is true about examples provided in the textbook?
  4. Science relies on empiricism, encourages challenges, and uses direct manipulation.  This statement is __________.
  5. Pseudoscience gathers information from which of the means listed below?
  6. Which of the following ways can be used to remain up-to-date on developments in the field of psychology?
  7. Horoscopes were developed by those who study __________.
  8. Anderson (2001) notes that the news media typically report __________.
  9. It is a commonly held belief that among college students that those individuals who are single engage in more sexual activity than those individuals who are married.  Despite research indicating the contrary, students continue to believe in this belief.  The persistence to maintain this belief is known as __________.
  10. A(n) __________ is any theory, method, or belief that appears to be based in science but is not.
  11. Writing within the field of psychology follows a standard form so that all authors __________.
  12. Abstracts range in length from _____ to _____ words.
  13. If you are quoting a source and have fewer than _____ words included, the quotation is included as part of the text.
  14. Which of the following statements accurately describes author notes?
  15. When should you write the abstract?
  16. Which of the following statements about how to indicate numbers is correct?
  17. The method section should be written in _____ or _____ tense.
  18. Writing within the field of psychology follows a standard form developed by the __________.
  19. Abstracts are __________.
  20. When describing the procedure, be sure to include __________.
  21. The first step in the scientific method is known as __________.
  22. Which of the following is an underlying goal for all research?
  23. What is the fourth goal of psychological research?
  24. Chapter 3 begins with an Are You Equipped? exercise describing research in which a movie theater owner flashed “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coca-Cola” at an exposure rate of 1/3,000 per second on the screen during the presentation of a movie.  The owner originally reported an increase in popcorn and sodas sales for this method of advertisement.  However, later the owner admitted to falsifying the data.  Which statement below best describes why he admitted to falsifying the data?
  25. The term question identification is equivalent to __________.
  26. The hypothesis is used to guide the next step in the scientific method, __________.
  27. Which of the following is a goal of psychological research?
  28. __________ is a statement about the relationship between variables.
  29. Cox et al. (2010) developed a hypothesis that graphical representation of risk statistics regarding HPV and cervical cancer in young women would increase mothers’ intentions to have their daughters vaccinated.  What step in the scientific method would come next?
  30. __________ occurs when a research experiment or study is reproduced using the exact same methodology and procedure.