PSYC 255 Quiz 3

PSYC 255 Quiz 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. In research, the two hypotheses developed must be _____________ and _____________.
  2. Alexandra is conducting a research study and has developed two hypotheses. She is planning to test against the null hypothesis.  The null hypothesis states _____________.
  3. The names of the hypotheses for a research study are _____________ and _____________.
  4. Caron is working on a research project about the influence of caffeine consumption on alertness.  She has developed two hypotheses.  Her second hypothesis states that there will be an increase in alertness with the consumption of caffeine.  This hypothesis is known as a _____________ hypothesis.
  5. Jenn believes that her writing abilities are better than John’s writing abilities. If Jenn presents this as a research hypothesis, Jenn is stating what kind of research hypothesis?
  6. Carolina has developed two hypotheses for her research question.  The first hypothesis is known as the null hypothesis and states there will be no difference between the scores on the dependent variables.  Her second hypothesis is known as a research hypothesis and states _____________.
  7. In psychological research, the largest database used by researchers is _____________.
  8. The research hypothesis is represented in symbols as _____________.
  9. Unlike a research topic that is defined broadly, a _____________ is better defined to provide direction for researchers.
  10. You have been discussing a research project with your friend Jerri.  Jerri has told you that her research hypothesis states, the mean of population 1 is less than the mean of population 2.  How would you write this research hypothesis in symbols?
  11. When searching for research on a topic, it is recommended that you use _____________ to increase the number of search results.
  12. A _____________ is an idea that is not very well defined.
  13. The null hypothesis is represented in symbols as _____________.
  14. In psychology, the database with only full text electronic articles is called _____________.
  15. Grampa is working hard on his research testing a drug which will influence the onset of a newly identified psychological disorder. Dr. Grampa most likely got his idea from _____________.
  16. Which of the following is not a type of measure for a dependent variable covered in the textbook?
  17. What type of scale is a researcher using when they collect demographic information such as ethnicity, religion, sex, or school classification?
  18. Matt has asked participants in his study to identify which ethnic category fits them best. Matt is using a(n) _____________ scale.
  19. Alexandra is investigating exercise habits among college students.  Alexandra has asked students to indicate the number of times they work out each week.  To investigate exercise, Alexandra is using a(n) _____________ scale.
  20. In the textbook, an article was described about Saturday morning cartoons.  Specifically, the article stated there was a positive relationship between childhood aggression and violent cartoons.  However, no mention was made of how the term “violent cartoons” was defined.  Thus, the researchers had failed to use a(n) _____________ when reporting their study.
  21. Of all the types of scales, only a(n) _____________ scale has a true zero value.
  22. Jerry is conducting a study on the type of leadership style (i.e., democratic or autocratic) a person has and the influence that style has on employee satisfaction.  He plans on measuring satisfaction using a 10-question survey where participants respond on a 5-point scale. What is the dependent variable in this study?
  23. Student rankings in a class is an example of a(n) _____________ scale.
  24. There are several types of measures for dependent variables.  Physiological measures _____________.
  25. Julie is studying the likelihood that college students will take 8am classes.  To look at this likelihood, Julie has students respond on a 7-point scale, where 1 is “not at all likely” and 7 is “very likely.”  Julie is using a(n) _____________ scale to look at the likelihood of college students taking 8am classes.
  26. When a researcher classifies data on a scale that assumes equal distance and has a true zero, the researcher is using a(n) _____________ scale.
  27. In the textbook, a study on monitor size was described.  Specifically, the researchers wanted to know if monitor size (17, 19, and 21 inches) influenced participant’s reaction time on a task.  How many levels of the independent variable were there in this study?
  28. Jerry is conducting a study on the type of leadership style (i.e., democratic or autocratic) a person has and the influence that style has on employee satisfaction.  He plans on measuring satisfaction using a 10-question survey where participants respond on a 5-point scale. How many levels of the independent variable were there in this study?
  29. A dependent variable is the variable in a study that is _____________.
  30. Lauren is conducting a study on the decision making processes an individual goes through when buying items.  Specifically, Lauren is measuring the attributes and mental connections made when making a purchase.  Lauren is collecting _____________ measures for her dependent variable.

Set 2

  1. Ray is searching on the Internet for information on his research topic.  The search results lead to over 50,000 hits.  Ray’s search resulted in a large number of hits because _____________.
  2. Dan is searching on the Internet for information on her research topic.  The search results lead to only 10 hits.  Dan’s search resulted in a small number of records because _____________.
  3. Sam has decided to study why college students use social networking sites.  This is an example of a(n) _____________.
  4. When searching for research on a topic, it is recommended that you use _____________ to increase the number of search results.
  5. You have been discussing a research project with your friend Connor. Connor has told you that his research hypothesis states, the mean of population 1 is not equal to the mean of population 2.  How would you write this research hypothesis in symbols?
  6. Carolina has developed two hypotheses for her research question.  The first hypothesis is known as the null hypothesis and states there will be no difference between the scores on the dependent variables.  Her second hypothesis is known as a research hypothesis and states _____________.
  7. Each day that Jim walks to class he notices that his fellow students always have their heads down looking at their phones.  Jim tells his professor he would like to conduct a study looking at why students spend so much time looking at their phones.  Jim has just gotten a research idea from _____________.
  8. According to the textbook, the use of the Internet for searching is questionable because the Internet is not always _____________ and _____________.
  9. A _____________ is an idea that is not very well defined.
  10. When stating the null or research hypotheses in symbols, the symbol µ stands for _____________.
  11. For his study, Tim has stated his research hypothesis as: H1µ1 < µ2.  What do the symbols mean?
  12. When searching for research on more than one topic area, you should use the word(s) _____________ between search topics to find overlapping material.
  13. The null hypothesis is represented in symbols as _____________.
  14. You have been discussing a research project with your friend Kevin. Kevin has told you that his research hypothesis states, the mean of population 1 is equal to the mean of population 2. How would you write this research hypothesis in symbols?
  15. Caron has developed a _____________ that states there is a relationship between caffeine and alertness.
  16. Which of the following is not a type of measure for a dependent variable covered in the textbook?
  17. The intensity of a response to a stimuli represents which type of way to assess a measure?
  18. Of all the types of scales, only a(n) _____________ scale has a true zero value.
  19. Caron is conducting a study investigating the effects of ethnicity on humor.  Specifically, she has different participants watch comedy routines from several comedians.  For each participant, she records the intensity of their laughs for each comedian.  Which way is the dependent measure of humor being assessed?
  20. When a researcher classifies data on a scale that assumes equal distance between numbers, the researcher is using a(n) _____________ scale.
  21. One of the most common types of measures for a dependent variable is a behavioral measure.  Behavioral measures _____________.
  22. Dave is conducting research on consumer preference for different products.  Dave has participants provide a rank order of the products they prefer.  By asking for a ranking of their preferences, Dave is using a(n) _____________ scale.
  23. Samantha is conducting a study on stress management in newly hired employees at a large corporation.  She is measuring the levels of stress through blood work and EKG monitoring of the new hires.  Samantha is collecting _____________ measures for her dependent variable.
  24. Which of the following is a type of measure for a dependent variable?
  25. In the textbook, an article was described about Saturday morning cartoons.  Specifically, the article stated there was a positive relationship between childhood aggression and violent cartoons.  However, no mention was made of how the term “violent cartoons” was defined.  Thus, the researchers had failed to use a(n) _____________ when reporting their study.
  26. Jerry is conducting a study on the type of leadership style (i.e., democratic or autocratic) a person has and the influence that style has on employee satisfaction.  He plans on measuring satisfaction using a 10-question survey where participants respond on a 5-point scale. What is the dependent variable in this study?
  27. The variable in a study that researchers measure because it is believed to change is called the _____________.
  28. Alexandra is investigating exercise habits among college students.  Alexandra has asked students to indicate the number of times they work out each week.  To investigate exercise, Alexandra is using a(n) _____________ scale.
  29. Jerry is conducting a study on the type of leadership style (i.e., democratic or autocratic) a person has and the influence that style has on employee satisfaction.  He plans on measuring satisfaction using a 10-question survey where participants respond on a 5-point scale. How many levels of the independent variable were there in this study?
  30. The sum of the number of times a person/group responds to a question represents which type of way to assess a measure?