PSYC 255 Quiz 7

PSYC 255 Quiz 7 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Tamara has just finished collecting her data for her research methods final project.  Her results indicate that there is a statistically significant difference between the means of the groups.  In this situation, Tamara should __________.
  2. Dunn, Huntsinger, Lun, and Sinclair (2018) conducted a study to explain how individuals interpret gift giving in new situations.  They paired members of the opposite sex together and had them engage in social interaction for fewer than five minutes.  Afterwards they had each participant pick a gift card for their paired partner.  After learning what their new acquaintance had selected for them, participants completed a survey and indicated how similar they were to the acquaintance.  Results indicated women reported the same degree of similarity between themselves and the new acquaintance whether they received a good gift of a bad gift, whereas men reported higher levels of similarity after receiving a good gift and lower levels of similarity after receiving a bad gift.  For this study, what would be the research hypothesis?
  3. Tom is an undergraduate psychology major.  He is conducting his first experiment and wants to know when he should determine the alpha level.  What would you recommend to Tom?
  4. When conducting research, psychologists test the __________ hypothesis.
  5. The __________ is the number in the middle of the data set.
  6. Alpha is __________.
  7. Which of the following statements is false?
  8. There are ____ branches to statistics frequently used by psychologists.
  9. Which of the following is a type of inferential statistic?
  10. The purpose of _________ statistics is to allow you to draw conclusions about the population of interest from a sample.
  11. Which of the following is a correct decision?
  12. Which of the following statements is false?
  13. When you have three independent variables each with 2 or more levels, you would use a _______ to analyze the results.
  14. Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?
  15. A Bonferroni Correction is used to limit the possibility of making a/an __________.
  16. Those serving as reviewers during the publication process should _____________.
  17. When conducting research with animals, all of the following should occur except _____________.
  18. The set of standards that psychologists use to guide them in their professional work is called the _____________.
  19. The Belmont Report outlined which of the following principles?
  20. Tommi believes that all research on animals should stop because they are no different from humans. Tommi is known as a(n) _____________.
  21. When a psychologist does not explain the full nature of a study to participants in the consent form because that information could change the study, the psychologist is using which type of deception?
  22. Smith has recently published two studies in different journals.  Both studies are on the effects of eating disorders.  However, although the titles of the studies are different, the data presented in each study is exactly the same.  Dr. Smith has violated which part of the APA Ethics Code?
  23. Which of the following is true?
  24. Sam is a participant in a study.  However, unlike other participants, he works for the researchers and has a set of directions he must follow during the study.  Sam is known as a _____________.
  25. Which of the following should not be included in the consent form?
  26. Jorge is participating in a research study.  He has been given a survey in which there is no identifying information collected.  This is an example of the study being _____________.
  27. Which type of plagiarism best describes deliberately taking someone else’s work and presenting it as your own work?
  28. IRB stands for _____________.
  29. As you consider ethical practices, which of the following statements is correct?
  30. Active deception is deception by _____________.

Set 2

  1. In psychological research, you failto reject the null hypothesis when __________.
  2. Which of the following statements is false?
  3. Alpha is __________.
  4. Kathryn has completed a study and rejected the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis was in fact true.  Kathryn has made a __________.
  5. The __________ t-test is used to determine when a mean is significantly different from a constant.
  6. Which of the following is a type of inferential statistic?
  7. A Bonferroni Correction is used to limit the possibility of making a/an __________.
  8. Kathryn has completed a study and rejected the null hypothesis when it was false.  Kathryn has made a _________.
  9. Kathryn has completed a study and failed to reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis was false.  Kathryn has made a _________.
  10. Which of the following statements is true?
  11. __________ are easily influenced by extreme scores.
  12. When conducting research, psychologists test the __________ hypothesis.
  13. Which of the following is a correctdecision?
  14. Michaela’s exam scores for General Psychology were as follows: 95, 85, 70, and 90.  Calculate the mean for these scores.
  15. The __________ is the number in the middle of the data set.
  16. Passive deception is to _____________ as active deception is to _____________.
  17. Active deception is deception by _____________.
  18. Which of the following is a part of a special population that is given added protection by the IRB?
  19. The purpose of the APA Ethics Code is to _____________.
  20. Jorge is participating in a research study.  He has been given a survey in which there is no identifying information collected.  This is an example of the study being _____________.
  21. Sabrina participated in a psychology experiment that involved answering a number of arithmetic problems.  During the experiment, she was informed that her answers were incorrect.  After the experiment was completed, a research assistant explained the purposes of the experiment.  He told Sabrina that she had answered all the items correctly, and then explained why the experiment required that she be told her answers were wrong.  What does this stage of the research process represent?
  22. A _____________ is a participant in a study but is also part of the research team.
  23. According to APA, when conducting research on animals which organization should be consulted?
  24. At the conclusion of a study, psychologists immediately disclose all information about a study during the process known as _____________.
  25. Those serving as reviewers during the publication process should _____________.
  26. If inducement for participation in a research study occurs, the inducement must be _____________.
  27. Sam is a participant in a study.  However, unlike other participants, he works for the researchers and has a set of directions he must follow during the study.  Sam is known as a _____________.
  28. Smith has recently published two studies in different journals.  Both studies are on the effects of eating disorders.  However, although the titles of the studies are different, the data presented in each study is exactly the same.  Dr. Smith has violated which part of the APA Ethics Code?
  29. Tommi believes that all research on animals should stop because they are no different from humans. Tommi is known as a(n) _____________.
  30. Jerry has spent the past several months collecting data for his study.  However, he begins to realize his results are not coming out the way he planned.  To fix this “problem,” Jerry begins inputting his data incorrectly.  Jerry is in violation of which part of the APA Ethics Code?