THEO 104 Quiz 2

Set 1

  1. ________ literally means “all-knowing”
  2. All world religions really worship the same god, just in different ways.
  3. Most religions agree on some of the major doctrinal points of God.
  4. A person can know God better by studying the attributes ascribed to Him throughout Scripture.
  5. The names and titles given to God in Scripture reveal what he is like.
  6. Water is a successful analogy in describing the nature of the Trinity.
  7. The word Trinity is found throughout the pages of both the Old and New Testaments.
  8. One of the most important documents concerning the beliefs of the early church on the Trinity is found in the Nicene Creed.
  9. The Bible affirms the distinct natures of the persons of the Trinity but does not affirm that all three persons of the Trinity are equally divine.
  10. The Bible affirms that there are three distinct persons within the Trinity.
  11. When God created, he saw that everything was good. This means there was no sin or evil in the world.
  12. Ex nihilo is the Greek term meaning “out of nothing.”
  13. Fiat is understood to mean a(n) ______ or a decree?
  14. This theory is similar to deistic evolution in the idea that a divine being started the process of life.
  15. Scripture is clear that God is the Creator of all things. However, some still try to claim otherwise.
  16. Many people question God’s activity in the world today because there seems to be so much evil present.
  17. Throughout the Bible, the writers of Scripture make arguments using____________.
  18. Which one of the following is not a verse used to understand the immanence of God?
  19. One way we apply the term _________ is to mean that we are uninhibited.
  20. God is a personal God; He is intimately interacting with his creation.
  21. How can believers respond to Satan’s temptation?
  22. __________ are said to have six wings.
  23. The Bible directly refers to the demons as “fallen angels.”
  24. Jesus believes that truth exists but not that humans can actually know or comprehend truth.
  25. Though angels are spirit beings, they do not have more power and intelligence than humanity. They are merely glorified human beings.

Set 2

  1. One can know about God by looking at the person of Christ.
  2. The names and titles given to God in Scripture reveal what he is like.
  3. All world religions really worship the same god, just in different ways.
  4. Jehovah-Rapha means “The Lord that ______.”
  5. Materialism is the belief system that elevates the mind over the physical realm.
  6. The Bible affirms that there are three distinct persons within the Trinity.
  7. An important consideration relating to the Trinity concerns the number of gods Christianity claims to worship.
  8. Tri-theism teaches that Christianity is a ________ religion.
  9. The Bible affirms the distinct natures of the persons of the Trinity but does not affirm that all three persons of the Trinity are equally divine.
  10. Which of the following is not a monotheistic religion?
  11. Some evolutionary theories should be accepted as they are coherent with Scripture.
  12. Ex nihilo is the Greek term meaning “out of nothing.”
  13. _______ suggests that everything within the world can be explained by natural focuses and causes.
  14. The word “day” in the biblical Creation account seems to indicate a 24-hour period of time.
  15. When God created, he saw that everything was good. This means there was no sin or evil in the world.
  16. Which one of the following is not a verse used to understand the immanence of God?
  17. Throughout the Bible, the writers of Scripture make arguments using____________.
  18. God’s existence is dependent upon this world.
  19. Which of the following is a passage used to describe the transcendence of God?
  20. One way we apply the term _________ is to mean that we are uninhibited.
  21. Angels can die if killed by another angel.
  22. Gabriel is designated as the “Archangel.”
  23. __________ are said to have six wings.
  24. How can believers respond to Satan’s temptation?
  25. The Bible directly refers to the demons as “fallen angels.”