THEO 104 Quiz 4

Set 1

  1. The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ through working in the lives of believers to help them be more Christlike in all that they do.
  2. The importance of the Holy Spirit is seen when Jesus gave the Great Commission to the disciples.
  3. The __________ Creed signifies the belief in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  4. The Athanasian Creed states that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have the same qualities and they are __________.
  5. According to Luke 4, the Holy Spirit was non-existent in the life of Christ.
  6. The Great Commission is recorded 10 times in the Bible.
  7. Baptism is the idea of new birth or new creation.
  8. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is referenced by all of the apostles but Paul.
  9. The Holy Spirit is responsible for which of the following?
  10. __________ is the idea of new birth or new creation.
  11. The Holy Spirit’s ministry of indwelling and filling consistently evidences itself throughout both the Old and New Testaments.
  12. Which of the following is not one of the roles the Holy Spirit plays in the life of the believer?
  13. The filling of the Holy Spirit refers to the control the Holy Spirit has over the life of the Christian.
  14. Illumination refers to evangelism, not reading the Bible like most people think.
  15. The filling of the Holy Spirit is in large part dependent on what?
  16. Which of the following is a specific characteristic of spiritual gifts?
  17. The gift of _____ is the special ability to organize and plan.
  18. Showing mercy is not a spiritual gift, but a fruit of the spirit.
  19. Speaking is a spiritual gift.
  20. Apostles were those specifically appointed by _______ to be a “sent one.”
  21. Self-control relates to the disposition of an individual and is seen as meekness or humility.
  22. The key to understanding the fruit of the Spirit is understanding the importance of one’s desires. The question becomes, “Do we love God more than we love sin?”
  23. The fruit of the Spirit are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:27-30.
  24. Which is not one of the fruit of the Spirit?
  25. The fruit of the Holy Spirit relates to the Christian’s spiritual character and maturity of the Christian life.

Set 2

  1. The importance of the Holy Spirit is seen when Jesus gave the Great Commission to the disciples.
  2. The __________ Creed signifies the belief in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. According to Luke 4, the Holy Spirit was non-existent in the life of Christ.
  4. What passage of Scripture specifically mentioned in the textbook reveals the eternal nature of the Holy Spirit?
  5. The Holy Spirit was sent to continue the work of Jesus on earth.
  6. The Great Commission is recorded 10 times in the Bible.
  7. __________ is the idea of new birth or new creation.
  8. Baptism is the idea of new birth or new creation.
  9. The Great Commission is the focal point behind which Christian churches rally.
  10. Regeneration is only found in the New Testament as a work of the Holy Spirit.
  11. Which of the following is not one of the roles the Holy Spirit plays in the life of the believer?
  12. What specific ways does the Holy Spirit restrain sin?
  13. Illumination refers to evangelism, not reading the Bible like most people think.
  14. The Holy Spirit only intercedes on the behalf of some Christians.
  15. Sanctification has both a positive and a negative aspect.
  16. Apostles were those specifically appointed by _______ to be a “sent one.”
  17. Which of the following is not one of the passages containing the list of spiritual gifts?
  18. Evangelism is a spiritual gift.
  19. Showing mercy is not a spiritual gift, but a fruit of the spirit.
  20. The spiritual gifts debate has caused splits within the church.
  21. Every Christian has every spiritual gift; however, not every Christian is to display all of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
  22. The key to understanding the fruit of the Spirit is understanding the importance of one’s desires. The question becomes, “Do we love God more than we love sin?”
  23. The fruit of the Holy Spirit relates to the Christian’s spiritual character and maturity of the Christian life.
  24. Which is not one of the fruit of the Spirit?
  25. ________ is goodness put into action.