THEO 104 Quiz 7

Set 1

  1. Who was the leader of the Swiss church?
  2. What event signified the beginning of the ancient church?
  3. What major religion began to form during the medieval era?
  4. John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English and Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press during what major church era?
  5. Who had a large influence and ministry in Switzerland and wrote institutes of the Christian religion?
  6. The body of Christ is an image that communicates both the unity and diversity of Christ’s body.
  7. Protestants have distinguished between the visible and the invisible church.
  8. Within the New Testament, especially within the letters of Paul, one notices that there were many different churches within each city.
  9. In the New Testament, Baptism is reserved only for individuals who professed faith in the risen Jesus.
  10. The people of God, the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit are all analogies for the church.
  11. Which of the following is not one of the three main church offices listed in the New Testament?
  12. Pastor, elder, and overseer are all terms used to delineate the role of pastor.
  13. Egalitarians believe that God has given unique roles to men and woman.
  14. What book of the New Testament contains the most detailed description of the qualification for elder?
  15. Acts 14:23 does NOT point in the direction of a plurality of elders as the normative practice in the early church planting movement.
  16. The early church did not have much fellowship or community.
  17. _________ abounded in the early church and was used both privately and corporately.
  18. New Testament Scripture indicates that the church is made up mostly of nonbelievers.
  19. Service is necessary for a church if they want to follow Christ’s example.
  20. The early church stayed focused on the gospel message, baptism, and devotion to the apostles’ teaching.
  21. Those who embrace paedobaptism justify this practice based upon which Old Testament covenantal practice?
  22. _______ communion allows any Christian to participate in the Lord’s Supper.
  23. Most theologians agree that the purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to proclaim the significance of Jesus’s death.
  24. Roman Catholics practice believer’s baptism.
  25. Most theologians agree on how Christ is present in the Lord’s Supper.

Set 2

  1. Who launched the protestant reformation in Germany?
  2. Who had a large influence and ministry in Switzerland and wrote institutes of the Christian religion?
  3. John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English and Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press during what major church era?
  4. The persecution of Christians increased when Emperor Constantine was appointed ruler of Rome and Christianity was proclaimed as the official religion.
  5. Johnathan Edwards and George Whitefield were key figures in the Second Great Awakening.
  6. Within the New Testament, especially within the letters of Paul, one notices that there were many different churches within each city.
  7. The body of Christ is an image that communicates both the unity and diversity of Christ’s body.
  8. During the early church period, believers would meet in ______ or gathering places within their communities.
  9. The people of God, the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit are all analogies for the church.
  10. All participants of the visible church are Christians.
  11. Which of the following is not one of the three basic models of church government?
  12. Egalitarians believe that God has given unique roles to men and woman.
  13. The Bible strictly forbids women from holding the office of deacon.
  14. The term pastor means __________.
  15. Acts 14:23 does NOT point in the direction of a plurality of elders as the normative practice in the early church planting movement.
  16. The early church stayed focused on the gospel message, baptism, and devotion to the apostles’ teaching.
  17. What passage of scripture gives insight into the routine activity of the early church?
  18. The ministry of teaching in a church should include everything from basic instruction on the gospel to an in-depth understanding of the whole of Scripture as well as formal and informal teaching.
  19. Based on Ephesians 4:11-12, the church exists only to do evangelism.
  20. _________ abounded in the early church and was used both privately and corporately.
  21. _______ communion allows any Christian to participate in the Lord’s Supper.
  22. ________ baptism has the strongest support in the New Testament.
  23. ________ communion allows only members of a particular church to partake in the ceremony.
  24. Most theologians agree on how Christ is present in the Lord’s Supper.
  25. The examples of Jesus’s baptism and baptism in Acts bear witness to baptism by sprinkling.