THEO 104 Quiz 8

Set 1

  1. Heaven is a real and eternal place.
  2. Spiritual death is the final moment in the decay of our natural body.
  3. It is possible that our culture’s obsession with youth could, in reality, be a defense against the inevitability of death.
  4. According to Matthew 16:24-26, Jesus tells us that those who spend their life attempting to keep it and make themselves significant actually lose their life.
  5. Although the Bible refers to heaven, there is no description in Scripture of what heaven will actually be like.
  6. What is the basis for which God will judge?
  7. The Bible does not allude to the consequence of Hell being eternal.
  8. What event should motivate us to godly living while we await Jesus’ return?
  9. The second coming of Jesus is not central to an orthodox understand of Christianity.
  10. Hell is the necessary doctrine of a God who is ultimately just.
  11. Postmillennialism believes in a future kingdom that is brought about through the witness and influence of the church.
  12. ___________ believes in a literal, one-thousand-year reign of Christ on the earth.
  13. The rapture is understood as a(n) _______ coming in the sense that Jesus is not visible; he merely gathers together or snatches away Christians from the earth.
  14. The nature of the _________ and the nature of the ___________ is where the majority of disagreement in eschatology resides.
  15. Amillennialism spiritualizes the language of Revelation 20:1-6 and does not read the book of revelation chronologically.
  16. According to Covenantal theology, the promises made to Israel are to be fulfilled by Israel. The church and Israel maintain different purposes in the plan of God.
  17. Which one of the following is not one of the three main covenants?
  18. One of the major issues regarding the relationship of the Testaments is the relationship of Israel in the Old Testament to the church in the New Testament.
  19. Eschatology is the study of last things in Christian doctrine.
  20. God established a covenant with ________ that promised God would make his name great and cause a great nation to come from him.
  21. In God’s final act there is not only a new creation; there is also a new city.
  22. The new city on the new earth is called the new _________.
  23. According to Revelation 21:9-27, the New Jerusalem has how many gates?
  24. The Christian’s ultimate hope is in the new heaven and new earth.
  25. There is overwhelming biblical evidence that suggests Jesus will return to earth.

Set 2

  1. The Christian has a two-step process after death. At death, one’s body goes into the ground and one’s_______ goes to be with the Lord.
  2. Although the Bible refers to heaven, there is no description in Scripture of what heaven will actually be like.
  3. Heaven is a real and eternal place.
  4. Spiritual death is the final moment in the decay of our natural body.
  5. _______ death is a condition of one’s heart and life. It is a separation from God.
  6. The early Christians affirmed the physical return of Jesus as central to their message.
  7. The reality of death and final judgment certainly should reorient one in this life to live a moral and ethical life through Jesus Christ.
  8. The second coming of Jesus is not central to an orthodox understand of Christianity.
  9. Hell is a place of temporary separation from God.
  10. The Bible does not allude to the consequence of Hell being eternal.
  11. The Mid-Tribulation position embraces the final, visible, glorious return at the end of the great tribulation.
  12. What position embraces a two-phased coming of Jesus, a secret coming at the beginning of the tribulation when Jesus raptures only believers, and a different public coming at the end of the tribulation?
  13. Amillennialism spiritualizes the language of Revelation 20:1-6 and does not read the book of revelation chronologically.
  14. The rapture is understood as a(n) _______ coming in the sense that Jesus is not visible; he merely gathers together or snatches away Christians from the earth.
  15. All of the tribulation positions agree that Christ will return at the beginning of the tribulation.
  16. God entered into a covenant with ________ promising to never again flood the entire earth. The sign of this covenant was a rainbow.
  17. One of the major issues regarding the relationship of the Testaments is the relationship of Israel in the Old Testament to the church in the New Testament.
  18. God established a covenant with ________ that promised God would make his name great and cause a great nation to come from him.
  19. Dispensational theology sees continuity among the Testaments.
  20. The major premise of covenant theology is that there are really only three covenants.
  21. The gates of the New Jerusalem are made out of what?
  22. What passage of Scripture gives details of the new heaven and new earth?
  23. According to Revelation 21:1-7, the sea will not exist in the New Earth.
  24. In reference to what Christians will do in heaven, Revelation 21-22 appears to imply that eternity will be totally discontinuous from our present existence.
  25. In God’s final act there is not only a new creation; there is also a new city.