RLGN 104 Test 5

Set 1

  1. A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of times Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on the cross.
  2. Relativism is the belief that all morality is absolute and objective.
  3. Buddhism started in:
  4. A person who holds to finite godism would argue that God does not like evil, but is powerless to stop it.
  5. In 610 A.D., Muhammad claimed to have received his first revelation from Jesus Christ.
  6. According to Powell, the reality of a personal, authoritative lawgiver (God) as the source of morality is reasonably indicated through
  7. Muslims believe that the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians
  8. The axiological argument for God’s existence is also the argument from :
  9. Since Buddhists do not believe in a personal God, a Christian should share the benefits of a personal God when witnessing to them.
  10. Hinduism is a very diverse religion with some unifying beliefs but no specific creed.
  11. The doctrine of the “Trinity” is a doctrine shared by both Islam and Christianity.
  12. The God of the Bible, worshipped by Christians, and the God of the Qur’an (Koran), worshipped by Muslims, is the same God.
  13. Polytheists believe in many gods who either came from nature or were once human beings.
  14. The path to enlightenment is called the Middle Way because it avoids the extremes of affluence and asceticism.
  15. The term “Islam” means:
  16. Which of the following is NOT held by deists?
  17. Nirvana, in Buddhism, is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven.
  18. Islam was founded by:
  19. Powell specifically argues that humans come to know objective morality through reason only.
  20. According to Powell, the best way to describe where God’s moral laws come from is:

Set 2

  1. Which of the following is NOT held by deists?
  2. The earliest of the Hindu scriptures are:
  3. “Strong Agnosticism” is the form of Atheism that believes nothing about God is knowable.
  4. Relativism is the belief that all morality is absolute and objective.
  5. Muhammad’s visions would eventually be compiled into Islam’s sacred text, the Qur’an (Koran).
  6. The vast majority of Hindus live in:
  7. According to ____________________, moral reformers such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa, would be criminals.
  8. Christians do not have to consider cultural barriers when presenting the gospel to a Hindu.
  9. A person who holds to finite godism would argue that God does not like evil, but is powerless to stop it.
  10. The Eightfold Path consists of eight steps/points which are to be achieved in a sequential (one after the other) manner.
  11. The axiological argument for God’s existence is also the argument from :
  12. Powell argued that the way to determine which of the three monotheistic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) is the right one would be to:
  13. Buddhism started in:
  14. Powell specifically argues that humans come to know objective morality through reason only.
  15. Nirvana, in Buddhism, is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven.
  16. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet but not the Son of God.
  17. Which of the following words best describes Samsara?
  18. Muslims believe that the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians
  19. Polytheists believe in many gods who either came from nature or were once human beings.
  20. A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of times Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on the cross.

Set 3

  1. “Strong Agnosticism” is the form of Atheism that believes nothing about God is knowable.
  2. Powell argued that all people, even self-professed relativists, believe in objective morality.
  3. In 610 A.D., Muhammad claimed to have received his first revelation from Jesus Christ.
  4. According to Powell, the reality of a personal, authoritative lawgiver (God) as the source of morality is reasonably indicated through
  5. According to Pantheism, God does not change.
  6. According to Powell, the best way to describe where God’s moral laws come from is:
  7. Nirvana, in Buddhism, is essentially the same as the Christian belief in heaven.
  8. Islam was founded by:
  9. A summary of the Islamic system of conversion is found in:
  10. Cultural relativism is best understood as
  11. Powell argued that the way to determine which of the three monotheistic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) is the right one would be to:
  12. Muslims believe that the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians
  13. The earliest of the Hindu scriptures are:
  14. In Hinduism, Brahman is an impersonal, monistic (“all is one”) force.
  15. The term “Islam” means:
  16. Hinduism is a very diverse religion with some unifying beliefs but no specific creed.
  17. The two major sects of Islam are the Sunni and the
  18. The doctrine of the “Trinity” is a doctrine shared by both Islam and Christianity.
  19. Christians do not have to consider cultural barriers when presenting the gospel to a Hindu.
  20. Buddha claimed to have a special relationship with God.

Set 4

  1. A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of times Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on the cross.
  2. Most religions are exclusive. They believe their way is the only way to truth.
  3. Humans create truth through trial and error.
  4. Buddhism started in:
  5. Powell specifically argues that humans come to know objective morality through reason only.
  6. Islam was founded by:
  7. The Hindu concept of Karma and the Christian concept of sin are identical.
  8. The doctrine of the “Trinity” is a doctrine shared by both Islam and Christianity.
  9. Which of the following is NOT held by deists?
  10. Powell argued that all people, even self-professed relativists, believe in objective morality.
  11. Buddhism teaches that suffering is an illusion.
  12. Atheism is ultimately self-refuting because:
  13. Hinduism is a very diverse religion with some unifying beliefs but no specific creed.
  14. Hindus use the term Maya to communicate the idea that everything is an illusion. A Hindu must realize that everything is Maya or they will never be able to reach Nirvana.
  15. Siddhartha Gautama was born into:
  16. In Hinduism, Brahman is an impersonal, monistic (“all is one”) force.
  17. Cultural relativism is best understood as
  18. A person who holds to finite godism would argue that God does not like evil, but is powerless to stop it.
  19. From a Biblical Worldview perspective, all truth is God’s truth.
  20. Christians do not have to consider cultural barriers when presenting the gospel to a Hindu.