Tag: RLGN 104

Set 1 The existence of evil has historically been the most common objection to the belief in God. Powell addresses two arguments against the existence of God because of the existence of evil. They are:…

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Set 1 Christians should force a person to listen to their presentation of the gospel and not stop until they make a decision for Christ. God’s Word is able to stand the test of any…

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Set 1 The Second Law of Thermodynamics gives evidence that the universe has not always existed. Pragmatism ignores truth as absolute. ___________ is the belief that nature is all that exists and that nothing supernatural…

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Set 1 A good approach when witnessing to a Muslim is to look at the number of times Jesus predicted his own death because Muslims do not believe that Jesus actually died on the cross….

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Set 1 __________ is the ultimate proof that Jesus is the Son of God. The Romans were so vile they crucified everyone who broke the law, even Roman citizens. Powell seems to indicate that the…

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Set 1 The message of the Bible is unique because In reference to non-essential doctrines, people must learn to _______ what the Bible says about a particular issue. One of the reasons that the message…

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Set 1 Everyone has a right to an opinion but that does not make every opinion accurate or correct. Making a judgment on the basis of one or even a few samples is what type…

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Set 1 According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms. In describing “truth”, Powell states: Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible? A Biblical Worldview is a…

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Content: Fulfill the requirements as listed above. Answer the following questions in 3 clearly separate parts (I, II, and III). Part I: (50–100 words total) What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means….

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Price: $3.00

Select 1 of the following worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam) that have been considered in the course content. Identify the worldview that you have selected on your title page. Using course content and…

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Price: $3.00