RLGN 104 Test 8

Set 1

  1. The existence of evil has historically been the most common objection to the belief in God.
  2. Powell addresses two arguments against the existence of God because of the existence of evil. They are:
  3. In modern society, tolerance is defined as both kindness toward the person and acceptance of all their viewpoints.
  4. People can debate whether an idea in the Bible is accurately interpreted, but the Bible is clearly a book written to communicate truth to those who seek to follow Jesus.
  5. In the story of the woman caught in adultery, Jesus’ response was an example of how Christians should respond to those struggling with sin.
  6. Classical apologists use the cosmological and teleological arguments to validate Christianity.
  7. Traditional tolerance is impossible to practice in today’s culture.
  8. The Law of Non-Contradiction states:
  9. The definition of the word tolerance may not have changed, but our culture has dramatically changed its meaning.
  10. Which of the following best exemplifies the new religious tolerance?
  11. Which of the following is an aspect of truth?
  12. Integrative apologetics is best understood as:
  13. Postmodernism suggests that there can be no certainty of absolute truth. However, absolute truth is defendable and should be applied in practical life situations.
  14. Suffering can be wasted, or it can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow closer to God.
  15. Suffering exists because
  16. What you believe should be based upon truth, not culture or even what you have been taught.
  17. God’s original design of creation was perfect and without suffering until Adam and Eve sinned.
  18. The problem with the new tolerance is that the only opinion that is acceptable is no opinion.
  19. Suffering and compromise cannot coexist without compromise to God’s character, integrity or purpose.
  20. The “free-will defense” starts with the idea that God created beings who were able to choose either good or evil, and chose evil not good.

Set 2

  1. When sharing the gospel truth with an audience, it is important to consider the _______ of the audience.
  2. Suffering and compromise cannot coexist without compromise to God’s character, integrity or purpose.
  3. According to Hindson, teaching truth guards against _________ and _________.
  4. Suffering exists because
  5. According to the Apostle Paul, Christians should be peaceable toward people regardless of their views or opinions.
  6. Classical apologists use the cosmological and teleological arguments to validate Christianity.
  7. The “free-will defense” starts with the idea that God created beings who were able to choose either good or evil, and chose evil not good.
  8. Powell addresses two arguments against the existence of God because of the existence of evil. They are:
  9. Postmodernism suggests that there can be no certainty of absolute truth. However, absolute truth is defendable and should be applied in practical life situations.
  10. The definition of the word tolerance may not have changed, but our culture has dramatically changed its meaning.
  11. In the story of the woman caught in adultery, Jesus’ response was an example of how Christians should respond to those struggling with sin.
  12. Which of the following is an important application that arises from a study of truth? We must clearly define the truths we believing concerning our faith.
  13. The Law of Non-Contradiction states:
  14. Which of the following is an example of an individual in the Bible who endured severe suffering?
  15. Church leaders are instructed to speak the truth in love and teach others to do the same.
  16. Hindson argued that sin is the explicit reason God allows humans to experience trials.
  17. Which of the following is notan example of a someone in the Bible who stood for truth?
  18. Tolerance should be viewed in reference to how we:
  19. Since the mid-1990s the concept of truth has become more _________________ in nature
  20. Evidential Apologists, use which of the following, to validate the truth claims of the Bible and Christianity?

Set 3

  1. The new tolerance has disguised itself in a popular approach to moral decision-making called
  2. Powell addresses two arguments against the existence of God because of the existence of evil. They are:
  3. According to Powell, the best way to respond to the problem of evil is to argue facts.
  4. Tolerance should be viewed in reference to how we:
  5. Church leaders are instructed to speak the truth in love and teach others to do the same.
  6. Classical apologists use the cosmological and teleological arguments to validate Christianity.
  7. Suffering and compromise cannot coexist without compromise to God’s character, integrity or purpose.
  8. People can debate whether an idea in the Bible is accurately interpreted, but the Bible is clearly a book written to communicate truth to those who seek to follow Jesus.
  9. Which of the following is an important application that arises from a study of truth? We must clearly define the truths we believing concerning our faith.
  10. The definition of the word tolerance may not have changed, but our culture has dramatically changed its meaning.
  11. The Law of Non-Contradiction states:
  12. Evidential Apologists, use which of the following, to validate the truth claims of the Bible and Christianity?
  13. According to Hindson, teaching truth guards against _________ and
  14. Since the mid-1990s the concept of truth has become more _________________ in nature
  15. God’s original design of creation was perfect and without suffering until Adam and Eve sinned.
  16. Suffering can be wasted, or it can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow closer to God.
  17. Postmodernism suggests that there can be no certainty of absolute truth. However, absolute truth is defendable and should be applied in practical life situations.
  18. Which of the following is not an example of a someone in the Bible who stood for truth?
  19. When talking with unbelievers, it is good to ask for permission to share with them.
  20. In modern society, tolerance is defined as both kindness toward the person and acceptance of all their viewpoints.

Set 4

  1. Which of the following is not an example of a someone in the Bible who stood for truth?
  2. The definition of Tolerance means “to recognize and respect another’s view while not holding it yourself”.
  3. Church leaders are instructed to speak the truth in love and teach others to do the same.
  4. When talking with unbelievers, it is good to ask for permission to share with them.
  5. According to Powell, the best way to respond to the problem of evil is to argue facts.
  6. The problem with the new tolerance is that the only opinion that is acceptable is no opinion.
  7. Postmodernism suggests that there can be no certainty of absolute truth. However, absolute truth is defendable and should be applied in practical life situations.
  8. The new tolerance has disguised itself in a popular approach to moral decision-making called
  9. The concept of the New Tolerance is inconsistent if not impossible to live since humans will disagree with each other’s views regarding truth.
  10. The Bible teaches that all ideas, values, and truth claims are equally right.
  11. God’s original design of creation was perfect and without suffering until Adam and Eve sinned.
  12. Which of the following best exemplifies the new religious tolerance?
  13. What you believe should be based upon truth, not culture or even what you have been taught.
  14. In the story of the woman caught in adultery, Jesus’ response was an example of how Christians should respond to those struggling with sin.
  15. To answer the logical argument, Powell draws upon what defense explained by Alvin Plantinga?
  16. Suffering exists because
  17. People can debate whether an idea in the Bible is accurately interpreted, but the Bible is clearly a book written to communicate truth to those who seek to follow Jesus.
  18. Which of the following is an aspect of truth?
  19. Which of the following is an example of an individual in the Bible who endured severe suffering?
  20. Since the mid-1990s the concept of truth has become more in nature