Tag: THEO 201

Instructions: In preparation for the Biblical Worldview Paper and by completing your textbook readings, you will be equipped to objectively identify the core content of the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, the nature of God, Christ,…

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Set 1 Which New Testament Book features baptism “with” or “in” the Holy Spirit? Sanctification means ________. According to Etzel and Small, there are only two ways in which the Holy Spirit restrains sin; through the church,…

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Price: $4.00

Set 1 In this office of Christ, Jesus exerts control over the universe. Erickson stated the humiliation of Christ included: Erickson used this analogy to describe how Jesus could use attributes of his deity during…

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Price: $4.00

Set 1 God the Son has always existed. The only reason that Jesus was crucified was due to the charges of breaking the Sabbath. What is the term used to describe the doctrine that God…

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Set 1 This Old Testament book features the account of God saving four men in the face of condemnation displaying God’s providence. According to Etzel and Small, the word “day” in Genesis is most likely…

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Set 1 The law of God is an extension of His nature. The Bible often uses the phrase “high and exalted” in reference to God’s transcendence, but this should not be interpreted as God only…

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Set 1 Which of these was not an early church father: According to Jewish tradition, the Old Testament writings were completed by 400 BC and there is evidence to support that the Old Testament was…

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Set 1 Special revelation does not require general revelation. The human conscience would be used as proof for the existence of God in the following argument. The _______________ argument for the existence of God shares that God is the…

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Set 1 Correct doctrinal beliefs are essential to the relationship between the believer and God. _________ Theology focuses on the study of God through the use of reason and logic based on the world man…

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Price: $4.00