THEO 201 Quiz 7

Set 1

  1. In this office of Christ, Jesus exerts control over the universe.
  2. Erickson stated the humiliation of Christ included:
  3. Erickson used this analogy to describe how Jesus could use attributes of his deity during his earthly ministry.
  4. Jesus’ atonement can cover all mankind’s sin both past, present, and future.
  5. The foundation to the gospel is Christ’s __________.
  6. In this office of Christ, Jesus reveals truth from God to sinful people:
  7. According to Etzeland Small, the word atonement carries with the understanding of __________.
  8. The completion of Christ’s victory is marked by the
  9. According to Erickson, the stages of Christ’s work can be divided into 2 basic stages, humiliation and exaltation.
  10. This theory of the atonement states that through the cross, Christ satisfied the nature of God the Father.
  11. Who proposed the Moral-Influence theory of the atonement that views Christ as an example of love?
  12. The humiliation of Jesus involved his giving up of independent use of his divine attributes.
  13. This passage of Scripture best references the incarnation and emphasizes Jesus’ humiliation despite being God.
  14. The minimal facts approach is best described as the facts surrounding the death and resurrection of Christ that both skeptics and believers both would agree occurred.
  15. When Jesus returns in the future, he will reveal more of his character and will.
  16. Erickson suggests that Christ died to satisfy a principle of God’s nature.
  17. According to the chart in Etzel and Small, ____________ is the final stage of the works of Christ.
  18. What is the final stage of Christ’s exaltation?
  19. This theory of the atonement states that through the cross, Christ conquered the forces of darkness.
  20. This theologian sought to answer the question why God took on human nature in the first place?

Set 2

  1. When Jesus returns in the future, he will reveal more of his character and will.
  2. According to Erickson, Jesus did not have a physical body after the resurrection and before the ascension
  3. Jesus Christ was witnessed to be alive after the resurrection.
  4. In Premodern times, the ascension was usually thought of as  ___________.
  5. This office best pictures the work of Christ intercessing on behalf of believers.
  6. The foundation to the gospel is Christ’s __________.
  7. According to Etzel and Small, the work of God the Son began with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
  8. Erickson used this analogy to describe how Jesus could use attributes of his deity during his earthly ministry.
  9. Which of the following are works completed through Christ’s atonement?
  10. According to Erickson, the idea of wrath obscures the fundamental nature of God, specifically that he is love.
  11. According to Etzel and Small, which best answers the Stolen Body Theory for explaining the missing body of Christ after the crucifixion?
  12. The most controversial stage of the work of Christ is the  ________.
  13. This theory of the atonement states that through the cross, Christ satisfied the nature of God the Father.
  14. Jesus’ atonement can cover all mankind’s sin both past, present, and future.
  15. According to the chart in Etzel and Small, ____________ is the final stage of the works of Christ.
  16. Erickson stated the humiliation of Christ included:
  17. This passage of Scripture best references the incarnation and emphasizes Jesus leaving behind his attributes of deity.
  18. In this office of Christ, Jesus exerts control over the universe.
  19. What theory originated with the eleventh-century church theologian Peter Abelard?
  20. “We sinners must restore to God what is owed him.”

Set 3

  1. This stage of the work of Christ best relates to Jesus’ ministry of intercession.
  2. Erickson stated the humiliation of Christ included:
  3. According to Erickson, Jesus did not have a physical body after the resurrection and before the ascension
  4. According to Etzel and Small, the word atonement carries with the understanding of
  5. According to Erickson, the idea of wrath obscures the fundamental nature of God, specifically that he is love.
  6. The foundation to the gospel is Christ’s
  7. According to the chart in Etzel and Small, ____________ is the final stage of the works of Christ.
  8. Which of the following is the ‘minimal facts’ approach used as a framework for supporting the physical resurrection of Christ.
  9. The best explanation for the disciple’s transformation into being vocal preachers of the Gospel after the resurrection.
  10. The most controversial stage of the work of Christ is the
  11. According to Erickson, the stages of Christ’s work can be divided into 2 basic stages, humiliation and exaltation.
  12. This theory of the atonement states that through the cross, Christ conquered the forces of darkness.
  13. Jesus Christ was witnessed to be alive after the resurrection.
  14. The humiliation of Jesus involved his giving up of independent use of his divine attributes.
  15. What is the final stage of Christ’s exaltation?
  16. Jesus’ atonement can cover all mankind’s sin both past, present, and future.
  17. This work of Christ can be described as an “appeasement of God.”
  18. According to Etzel and Small, Christ had to die on the cross
  19. According to Etzel and Small, the work of God the Son began with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
  20. This passage of Scripture references the emptying of Jesus’ independent use of His attributes of deity.